Where Do I Go For Help?
- Office Hours: Setup, homework + conceptual questions
- Email TAs: Logistical concerns
- Email comp110help@gmail.com: Assignment extension requests, logistical concerns; personal issues and emergencies that impact performance in the course
Office Hours + Tutoring
Come drop in for one-on-one support in office hours with a member of the COMP110 team. Except for on due dates, the average wait time is typically less than two minutes.
Office hours is the ideal place to come for one-on-one help with:
- Exercises
- Conceptual Questions
- Lessons
- Challenge Questions
Typical office hours are listed to the right, but check the hours on the CSXL website for the most up-to-date availability this week.
Note: We must stop taking tickets at the closing time and cannot stay beyond. If the queue is long enough that we do not believe we will be able to see all tickets we will turn off the ability to submit new tickets before closing time.
Office hours appointments for programming exercises are limited to 15 minutes and one specific question per appointment in order to be as fair as possible to all students enrolled. For longer, conceptual help outside of specific projects we encourage coming to office hours for conceptual help on non-deadline days.
In order to serve every student in the course as best we can, we must enforce a 1-hour wait period between appointments with the same student. During this time, we expect you to continue making substantive progress on your programming exercise. If you anticipate needing significant amounts of help on an assignment, please start as far in advance as possible so you will have multiple opportunities to ask questions as they arise. Realizing you need help more than once in a given day is an indication you would benefit from a stronger conceptual understanding of the material in question and it would be great for you to come work with us during tutoring hours!
To work with us in office hours, visit the CSXL site. Please already be in Fred Brooks/Sitterson Hall when you submit a ticket so a TA can help you as soon as they are available.
If you have suggestions on how to improve the course or just want to leave some positive, encouraging feedback for the TAs or instructor, please give us feedback. If you make a suggestion we’re able to act on, we’re more than happy to!